This program is a literal prayer answered. It is a manifestation of a dream and prayer my deepest heart wanted, but my brain did not know how to ask for. The Lord is so good in the way He works. The steps that had to be taken to get this program running could not have been planned. “The Lord works ALL things for the good of those who love and trust Him”. This was not only true when Paul wrote Romans (8:28), but they it is true now.
5.14.18 ~ A Mother's Day to Remember.
Up go the trusty folding tables, and out roll the scrub-saving table top covers. Fork-sliced bananas are cut to imperfection, and the grills are ignited just like a musician fine-tuning her guitar. A fresh bag is torn open, and out puffs a cloud of soon-to-be rounds of golden goodness. With a mighty lift and careful tilt, in goes a heap of this cloud, mixed in with some water that can only be measured by the stirrer’s intuition (and continuous whisking). After being slowly poured into a pitcher whose opening is only a third of the bowl’s circumference, the grillers brace themselves for two hours of skillful pancake-flipping. The bubbles rise, the crust forms, the metal spatula wedges its way beneath the hot cake and—flip. Pancake Peeps is open for business.
I want to take a moment to talk about the power of relationships. I had a hard time writing this post because I had so many thoughts, but was not sure which ones I wanted to talk about. After a conversation I had with a friend I realize that everything really boils down to the relationships being made.
This past weekend was so beautiful. As some of you may know, we have been trying to be very intentional about partnering with different programs in San Diego. It is in our four pillars to be a bridge of people and we believe that can mean so many things. In one way, we want to be a bridge between those with privilege and those who are under privileged. Another way we want to bridge gaps is by bringing resources and programs out to our friends......